Ancestral HEALING. MENTAL HEALTH & WEllness.

Our path together

We will co-create a space that embraces reciprocity and community. A sacred space where you can tap into your inner healing agency to transform and transmute pain and suffering into growth and wisdom for our personal and collective liberation. While on your healing path to yourself, you can gain awareness into your ancestral resources. We will explore ancestral technology for healing which centers and honors you as the carrier of your medicine.


My name is Veronica Rodriguez-Cabrera and I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker residing in the San Gabriel Valley, aka Tongva land. I identify as Xicana/indigena mujer who has spent most of my career in mental health and working in systems. I am rooted in the four directions and center my work as mami, healer and community member supported and guided by spirit. My daily practices are grounded in gratitude and honor the elements; land, water, fire and air.

SERVICES & Offerings

  • Virtual Family Constellation

    One on One virtual sessions were we tap into ancestral healing modality that reveals hidden dynamics in familial relationships in order to heal.

  • In Person Family Constellation

    In Person Family Constellation Groups tap into the collective approach to ancestral healing.

Ancestral healing

Family constellatioN

Constellation work is a systemic therapy. This modality utilizes the body to resource information and support the person in healing trauma. Constellation therapy is a therapeutic approach designed to help reveal hidden dynamics in a family or relationships in order to address stressors impacting them and heal them. It creates a space for us to witness and give the trauma a space before fully and freely moving forward with our own life. Constellation work can be framed both in an organizational and personal contexts. Allowing this work to support organizations issues in business and personal familial relationships, and more. This may be done by using systemic methods such as Table Top Constellation in your session.

Table Top Constellation

Table Top Constellation sessions are done on a flat stable surface such as a table. The client-participant chooses objects to be representatives that are brought forward through client-participant’s issue/intention. We tap into representatives which guide us through a process of movements and healing. Vero holds a sacred container that supports movement through spaces with reverence and in alignment. Through this process, it can allow the folx to reach root issues that when witnessed are able to heal and make healing ripples. This is offered via zoom.

*Family Constellation work is offered to all community members (including nonclinical clients).

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